MXT96–MedicalTerminology–28ClockHours/2QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces Basic Word Structures and reviews them as they apply to the Organization of the Body. ThefoundationalelementsincludeWordRoots,WordParts,Suffixes,andPrefixes.Studentsreinforcethe knowledgebypracticingquizzesandlisteningtoandvocalizingterminologyformemorization.Studentsapply learned terminology to patient case studies. MXT97–BackOfficeClinicalFoundation–68ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces students to clinical patient care. Students practice professional medical communication with patients and colleagues. Students are taught minor surgery assistance procedures, including setting up, instrument sterilization, and autoclave technique. They learn aseptic medical practice as OSHA requires for exposurecontrolandmedicalwastedisposal. Pharmacologicterminologyandabbreviationsarepracticed.Studentsreviewmathskillstocalculatedosages correctly and convert grams and ounces for medicine administration. Aseptic practice is reinforced throughout all patient interaction procedures. MXT98–BackOfficeClinicalSkills–68ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of MXT 97 with a “C” or better. This course introduces students to the back office clinical skills associated with a physical examination. The principles of medical ethics are explored, including guarding information privacy and protecting Patient Rights. Thestructure, function, physiology, and major diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, eye, and ear sensesystemsaretaughtinthiscourse. Additionally, students practice diagnostic tests for each body system and review associated drugs, lab tests, diagnostic studies, and treatment courses. Students will study First Aid and earn CPR Basic Life Support certification through the American Heart Association (AHA BLS for Healthcare Providers). MXT99–BackOfficeClinicalLaboratory–68ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of MXT 98 with a “C” or better. This course introduces students to safety practices, including asepsis and biohazard waste disposal. Students will review the purpose and categories of laboratory tests, including collecting, transporting, and handling specimens.Studentswilllearnaboutpediatrichealthmanagement,includingmeasuringheightandweight, specimencollection, immunization schedules, and medicine administration. Therelationship between the humanbody’sbloodchemistry,microbiology,andnutritionalneedsand processes is explored. The major diseases of the urinary, endocrine, and reproductive systems are reviewed in this course as they relate to the diagnostic tests, associated drugs, laboratory tests, diagnostic studies, and treatmentcourses. XT110C–ClinicalPracticeI–160ClockHours/5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of Module II with a “C” or better. This course provides 160 hours of supervised clinical instruction and experience in an approved x-ray departmentofanauthorizedclinicalfacility concentrating on the chest, extremity, and torso-skeletal radiography categories. Back office and medical skills are also included. Students must meet attendance requirementsandsatisfactorily complete the externship objectives. This course helps prepare students for the limited permit x-ray technician certification examination required by theStateofCalifornia Department of Health. This course may include out-of-school preparation hours such as reading and writing assignments, practice and practical application assignments, and projects. 315