This course allows students to continue to relate theory to practice in a supervised situation and sharpen their clinical skills. The student’s ability to provide safe and effective nursing care is evidenced by meeting specific behavioral objectives in each clinical area. The student’s progress is documented on the Counseling/Probation form. Clinical areas for this quarter will be medical, surgical, and other specialty focuses. VN400–ObstetricalNursing–44ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of VN 300, VN 310, and VN 320 with 80% or higher. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module IV VN courses. This course emphasizes the total care of the obstetrical client, including the therapeutic uses and effects of drugs during pregnancy, labor and delivery, the immediate postpartum period, and nutrition related to pregnancy and lactation. Care of the newborn is included. The role of the family and the importance of bondingarestressed.Clinical experience and client-centered conferences reinforce classroom theory. VN410–PediatricNursing–44ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of VN 300, VN 310, and VN 320 with a “B” or higher. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module IV VN courses. This course introduces pediatric nursing through theory. The focus is on meeting the pediatric clients’ and families’ basic human needs, utilizing critical thinking, therapeutic communication, technical skills, leadership/management skills, effective time management, and the nursing process. Professionalism and caring are emphasized. The practical nurse’s role in growth and development, health promotion, and illness prevention is discussed and demonstrated. The didactic focus is on the most common illnesses and conditions the nurse will likely encounterwhileworkingwithchildrenandtheirfamiliesintheacutecaresetting. VN420–PsychiatricNursing–32ClockHours/3QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of VN 300, VN 310, and VN 320 with 80% or higher. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module IV VN courses. This course offers an overview of the practical nurse’s role in preventing and treating mental illness, nursing management ofneuroticandpsychoticclients,clientswithorganicbrainsyndrome,andsuicidalclients.Clinical experience consists primarily of observation. VN430–ClinicalIV–278ClockHours/9QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of VN 300, VN 310, and VN 320 with 80% or higher. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module IV VN courses. This portion of the curriculum allows the student to relate theory to clinical practice in a supervised situation in maternity, pediatric, and psychiatric rotations. The student’s ability to provide safe and effective nursing care to selected clients with minimum supervision by the clinical instructor is evidenced by meeting specific behavioral objectives in each clinical area. VN440–PreparationforNCLEX–40ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of VN 300, VN 310, VN 320, VN 400, VN 410, VN 420, and VN 430 with 80% or higher. Concurrent enrollment is required with all Module IV VN courses. This course covers the application of critical thinking and test-taking strategies in preparing nursing students for licensure success. The course is based on the most current NCLEX Test Plan, addressing patient safety, provision of effective care in a healthcare environment, promotion and maintenance, and physiological and psychosocial integrity. Content includes the nursing process, fundamentals of care in nursing, communication with psychiatric clients, nursing care for children, women of childbearing age, the elderly, medical-surgical clients, and more. X-ray Technician with Medical Assistant Skills (XTMAS) Courses – Blended Program 314

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