The patient-care lab has hospital beds, anatomical models, high-fidelity interactive simulation mannequins, and other patient-care equipment. The medical assistant lab has exam tables and equipment for examination and diagnostic assistance, including scales, EKG machines, and urine and blood testing. The dental lab has dental equipmentandsimulatesadentalclinic. FresnoBranchCampus 4747N.FirstAvenue,Suite192 Fresno, CA 93726 (559) 222-1903 (559) 222-2672 fax The Fresno Branch Campus is located at 4747 N First Street in the First Professional Office Complex, comprising five (5) stand-alone buildings ranging from 5,000 to 8,000 square feet (743.22 m²) each for a total of approximately 28,000 square feet (2,601.29 m²). These buildings surround an open courtyard with green space andpatioseatingfortheGurnickAcademyofMedicalArts,Fresnocommunity. A spacious student lounge is next to the patio area, with affordable snacks and drinks for our students’ convenience. Our new Simulation Learning Center houses a nursing skills lab with hospital beds, anatomical models, and other patient-care equipment. The adjoining space is set up to look like a hospital setting and is equippedwithhigh-fidelity interactive simulation mannequins that provide realistic patient care scenarios. The Ultrasound Imaging Lab has ultrasound machines capable of performing general and specialized procedures, including color Doppler and power Doppler imaging. Administrative offices are near the campus center, and Student & Career Services has a separate office suite near the parking lot. SacramentoBranchCampus rd 8810CalCenterDrive,3 Floor Sacramento,CA95826 (916) 588-2060 (916) 588-2061 fax TheSacramentobranchisonthethirdfloorofaprofessionalbuildingcomplex.Thecampushousesclassrooms, anX-raylab, an ultrasound imaging lab, a medical assistant lab, a nursing skills lab, and a nursing simulations lab. Themedicalassistantlabhasexamtablesandequipmentforexaminationanddiagnosticassistance,including scales, EKG machines, and urine and blood testing. X-ray labs include a simulation lab, an energized lab with a digital image receptor, a C-arm, a mammography machine, and a portable X-ray machine(s). Thenursingskills lab serves our vocational nursing students to help them learn in a safe and supportive setting. Thelabhashospitalbeds,anatomicalmodels,high-fidelityinteractive simulation mannequins, and other patient-care equipment. Theultrasoundimaginglabhasultrasoundmachinescapableofperforminggeneral,cardio,andspecialized procedures, including color Doppler and power Doppler imaging. Thefacility has lab and didactic rooms for each program, with all required equipment and supplies to commenceeachprogram,officesforstaff,management,andeducation,andafacultylounge.Astudy 16

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