hall/resource room, student lounge, conference room, storage, restrooms, and reception area are present and documentedinthefloorplan. VanNuysBranchCampus 15400ShermanWay,Suite201 VanNuys,CA91406 (747) 200-4567 (747) 477-3747 fax TheVanNuysbranchisonthesecondfloorofaprofessionalbuilding,whichhousesclassrooms,labs, administrative offices, and student support offices. There are four (4) energized X-ray labs, and two (2) medical assistant labs. The reception area is located just off the elevators. Adjacent to the reception area are administrative and student support offices. A student lounge and library are located down the hall. Eachprogramhasfacultyofficesnearthelabandclassroomareas.Standardequipmentincludesalibraryof text/case studies, reference books, journals, and computers to access the e-library. Themedicalassistantlabhasexamtablesandequipmentforexaminationanddiagnosticassistance,including scales, EKG machines, and urine and blood testing. The energized X-ray labs have four stationary radiography units, a digital image receptor system, a mammography machine, and a portable X-ray machine. Thefacility has lab and didactic rooms for each program, with all required equipment and supplies to commenceeachprogram,officesforstaff,management,andeducation,andafacultylounge.Astudy hall/resource room, student lounge, conference room, storage, restrooms, and reception area are planned and documentedinthefloorplan. PROGRAMOFFERINGS Kindly note that not all programs are available at each campus. For more details, please see the Program Offerings per Campus (Table 1). Table 1. Program Offerings per Campus ProgramTypesandNames CampusLocation DegreePrograms Associate of Occupational Science in Cardiac Ultrasound Technology Sacramento,SanJose (A.O.S. in CUT) Associate of Occupational Science in Radiologic Technology (A.O.S. in RC) Modesto Associate of Occupational Science in Radiologic Technology (A.O.S. in RT) VanNuys Associate of Occupational Science in Ultrasound Technology Fresno, Sacramento, San Jose (A.O.S. in UT) Associate of Occupational Science in Vascular Ultrasound Technology SanJose (A.O.S. in VUT) Modesto,Sacramento,San Associate of Science in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (A.S. in MRI) Jose 17

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