● EnumeratefivereasonstodiscontinueandrestarttheIVdevice. ● Statethecauseanddifferentiateclinicalsymptomsofhypovolemiaandhypervolemia. ● Specifythecauseanddifferentiateclinicalsymptomsofelectrolyteimbalances. ● IdentifytheroleofIVtherapyandpHbalance. ● ExpoundonthecausesofpHimbalances. ● Differentiate actions, dosages, side effects, and nursing implications of specified intravenous solutions. ● CorrelatetheIVfluidcontainerlabelwiththesolution’snameascommonlyordered. ● NamethestandardcomponentsofTotalParenteralNutrition(TPN). ● IdentifynursingprecautionsrelatingtoTPN. ● Recognizesafetytechniquesutilizedinbloodtransfusions. ● Recognizetypesoftransfusionreactions. ● Listthenursingactionstakenwhenabloodtransfusionoccurs. ● ExaminethedifferencesbetweenmethodsusedinadultandpediatricIVtherapy. ● DiscusssituationsrelatedtoIVtherapyandlegalimplications. ● DescribeappropriatewaysofminimizinglegalrisksinIVtherapyandbloodwithdrawalpractice. ● Identify the safety precautions concerning administering IV fluids, withdrawing blood, and testing for adequate circulation at the arterial puncture site. CourseOutcomes Uponcoursecompletion,thestudentwillbeableto: ● Discussthestructureandfunctionofveins ● Identify the names and locations of the veins most suitable for phlebotomy and cannulation/venipuncture. ● Assemble equipment and supplies needed to collect blood and for cannulation/venipuncture, and discuss the correct use of each. ● Demonstratethestepsinperformingbloodcollectionandcannulation/venipunctureprocedures. ● Assess techniques and equipment to minimize biohazard exposure in blood collection and cannulation/venipuncture. ● Evaluate procedural blood collection and cannulation/venipuncture errors and discuss remedies for each. ● Differentiate complications associated with blood collection and cannulation/venipuncture and their effect on the quality of laboratory results. Certification Information To complete the clinical portion of the course, all participants must bring a volunteer to participate in the venipuncture and skin puncture skills check-off on the final day. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts provides two certificate types to its IV Therapy/Blood Withdrawal Course graduates: Course Completion Certificate and Continuing Education Certificate. Please see below for more details regarding certificate applicability. CourseCompletionCertificate LVNs At course completion, the LVN who completes the course will receive a certificate of completion. The certificate will include the course title, completion date, licensee’s name, address, telephone number, license number, and provider code issued by the board. The licensee is advised to retain the certificate in a secure location. After course completion, a copy of the certificate will be submitted to the board, and the licensee will be listed as certified in intravenous therapy and blood withdrawal. 239