repair, and the function of an overdenture. The definition of an endodontist and how endodontics relates to dental practice are also included. DA300–ClinicalExternship–180ClockHours/6QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Theclinical externship is an eight (8) week course that includes student placement in a facility that performs various skills. The student must complete an average of 20 – 30 hours a week. The externship provides exposuretohands-onpractice.Theexternshipallowsstudentstoapplytheoryconceptstoassistthedental staff with daily duties in the front and back offices under staff supervision. This experience marks the transition frombeingastudenttobecomingaDentalAssistant. MasterofScienceinNursing(BSNtoMSN)Courses–FullDistanceEducationProgram MSN506–TheoreticalFoundationsofAdvancedNursingPractice–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of BSN Degree and Active RN License. This course provides the learners with the theoretical foundations of nursing. Learners examine the relationship between nursing theories and the development of nursing science. The course focuses on the relationships betweentheories,research,andnursingpracticewithcurrentscientific advances. MSN508–FutureofNursingandHealthcarePolicy–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of BSN Degree and Active RN License. This course allows students to research, develop, and discuss policies affecting advanced nursing and healthcare systems. Advocating for effective policies impacting nursing and its stakeholders is another vital componentofthiscourse. MSN 510 – Advanced Research Methodologies and Analysis- Evidence-Based Practice – 45 Clock Hours/3 SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of BSN Degree and Active RN License. The learners receive knowledge regarding integral components of evidence-based practice with research to foster scholarship and holistic and person-centered care in diverse healthcare environments. Content interconnected to problem identification, research methodologies, critique of findings and literature, and application to evidence-based practice is presented. Developing an evidence-based project focusing on quality improvementorsafetyallowsstudentstopracticelearnedprinciples. MSN512–FinancialResourceManagement–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of BSN Degree and Active RN License. This course introduces students to financial management concepts in healthcare. Emphasis is placed on resource allocation in healthcare organizations. Students will study the theory and practice of financial management relevant to healthcare delivery organizations. The following elements will be discussed to enhance understanding of key concepts, including accounting practices, financial and policy issues, financial control techniques, financial decision-making, and reading and analyzing financial statements. MSN514–LeadershipandManagementinNursingandHealthcare–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of BSN Degree and Active RN License. This course presents the management functions and leadership roles of professional and contemporary nursing within an organizational structure. The management operations (staffing, planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling) prepare the structure for the course. The imperative focus is given to organizational, behavior, andmanagementtheories. Methods of inquiry, including the nursing process, problem-solving models, and decision-making, are emphasized as tools for analyzing intricate leadership and management complications common to nursing leaders and managers. Emphasis is also provided on collaborative relationships, quality assurance 307

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