student will describe the dental assistant’s role in chairside restorative procedures and the properties of dental materials. DA203–DentalMaterials/CoronalPolishing–126ClockHours/6QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course provides instruction regarding various expanded dental functions. Students prepare, apply, and removeadentaldam,dentalmatrix,andwedge.Studentsprepare,manipulate,andplacedentalcavityliners, varnish, and types of cement. Thestudentcanperformsutureremovalandpostoperativepatientcarefollowingoralsurgicalprocedures.The student will describe the placement and removal of gingival retraction devices, preparation, and application of enamelsealantmaterial,benefitsanddentalbleachingmaterialstypes,applicationtechniques,andpatient education instructions. DA204–RadiologySafety/Administrative–126ClockHours/6QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course teaches radiation’s history and biological effects, safety precautions, dental X-ray unit components, andfunction. X-ray study explains how X-rays are produced, and students describe dental X-ray film’s composition, sizes, types, and storage requirements. Students will be instructed to expose and process diagnostically acceptable intraoral and extraoral dental films using paralleling and bisecting techniques. Commonproductionerrors,processingtechniques,mountingprocedures,identificationofradiographic landmarks, the procedures and state policies required for dental offices to ensure quality radiographs, and imagingsystemsfordentalpurposesarecovered.Studentswillstudytheoverallaspectsofdentaloffice management,includingpatientreception,marketing,telephonetechnique,businessofficesystems,patient scheduling, records management, accounts receivable, management of patients’ accounts, accounts payable, inventory control, and recall systems management. Thestudentwilldescribetheimportanceofaccuratechartingandinterpretationfordiagnosis,consultation, andfinancial and billing purposes. Computerized business office systems for the dental office are explored for patient scheduling, records management, patient accounts, and accounts payable. Students develop self-awareness and the importance of communication skills. Emphasiswillbeplacedonassessingprofessionalqualifications, including developing a job search network, interview strategies, and interview follow-up. Students will create resumes and cover letters and review the application completion process. DA205–DentalSpecialties/PatientAssessment–126ClockHours/6QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course addresses dental office design, working environment, the performance of four-handed dental procedures, instrument grasp and transfer, and requirements for special needs patients. The scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, and periodontics will be covered. Students will also receive instruction on identifying the equipment used for procedures within oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, and periodontal practice. Instruction includes preparation for common medical and dental emergencies. That includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation, syncope treatment, anaphylaxis, asthma attacks, heart conditions, cerebrovascular accidents, and commondentalemergencies.StudentsarerequiredtopassCPRcertificationduringthiscourse. Students will be able to provide patient instruction in removable and fixed prosthodontics. This includes diagnostic steps, materials required for treatment, the importance of a consultation appointment, the advantagesanddisadvantagesofpartialandfulldentures,thestepsrequiredindenturepolishing,relining, 306

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