student loans forgiven. Please see the following links for more information: StudentLoanForgiveness|FederalStudentAid Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Help Tool | Federal Student Aid STUDENTLOANCODEOFCONDUCT It is the policy of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts to administer its student loan program in a manner that provides the maximum benefit to its student borrowers. To avoid even the appearance of impropriety, neither Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts nor any employee of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts will solicit or accept any benefit from a student lending institution as consideration for any advantage provided to the lending institution concerning its educational loan activities. The following principles and prohibitions apply to the student loan program at Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts: 1. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts shall not engage in any revenue-sharing arrangement with any student lending institution. 2. No employee of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts shall accept anything of value from a student lending institution on their behalf. 3. No employee of Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts shall serve as a member or participant of a board of a student lending institution unless the participation is unrelated to educational loans or the employeehasnodirectinvolvementwithorbenefitsfromthefunctionsofthefinancialaidoffice. 4. No employee, representative, or agent of a student lending institution shall be authorized by Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts to be identified to the public as an employee, representative, or agent of Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArts. 5. No employee, representative, or agent of a student lending institution shall provide staffing services to Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArts’sfinancial aid office. Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsshallnotprovidealenderlistthat: 1. Is used to deny or impede a borrower’s choice of lender. 2. Contains the names of fewer than one student lending institution. 3. Includes student lending institutions that have benefited Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts or its student borrowers in exchange for inclusion on the list. Nolenderlistshall be provided unless it contains the following: 1. A disclosure in plain language of the process by which Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts selects student lending institutions for the lender list, including the method and criteria utilized and the relative importance of each criterion. 2. A clear statement that the borrower has the right and ability to select the educational loan provider of the borrower’s choice, is not required to use any of the lenders on the list and will suffer no penalty or unnecessary delay for choosing a lender not on the lender list. Inclusion on the lender list shall be determined solely by considering the borrower’s best interests. Any student 105