Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsiseligibleforthefollowingCalGrants: Cal Grant A Cal Grant A provides tuition and fee assistance for low and middle-income students. For Cal Grant A, your courseworkmustbeatleasttwo(2)academicyears. Cal Grant B Cal Grant B provides low-income students with a living allowance, tuition, and fee assistance. Awards for most first-year students are limited to an allowance for books and living expenses. When renewed or awarded beyond the first year, the award also helps pay tuition and fees. For Cal Grant B, your coursework must be for at least one (1) academic year. Cal Grant C Cal Grant C awards assist with tuition and training costs for occupational, technical, and vocational programs. Funding is available for up to two (2) years, depending on the length of the program. To qualify, you must enroll in an occupational, technical, or vocational program that is at least four months long at a vocational/career school. Even though a GPA is not required to apply for a Cal Grant C, you are still encouraged to submit yours becauseitcanonlyhelpyourchancesofreceivinganaward. Students who receive Cal Grants and withdraw from school must have a similar calculation to determine the portion of unearned Cal Grant funds. The portion of Cal Grant earned is based on a prorated calculation of hours earned compared to what is scheduled in the period. Further information is available at the Financial Aid Office. LOANENTRANCEANDEXITCOUNSELING Students who have never received a Federal Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan must complete Entrance Counseling before disbursing the loan(s). Online entrance counseling is available at Counseling must be completed in a single session and takes 20 to 30 minutes. Additional optional Financial Awareness counseling is also available on this website. PLUSCreditCounseling is required if the U.S. Department of Education has informed the parent applying for the PLUS Loan that they have an adverse credit history and the parent borrower has obtained an endorser or documented to the satisfaction of the U.S. Department of Education that there are extenuating circumstances related to their adverse credit history. PLUS Credit Counseling can be completed voluntarily at any time. If PLUS Credit Counseling is completed voluntarily and the parent borrower is determined to have an adverse credit history by the U.S. Department of Education within 30 days of PLUS Credit Counseling completion, the PLUS Credit Counseling requirement is considered fulfilled. Exit Counseling is required for all Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan borrowers. The online exit counseling is available at Counseling must be completed in a single session and takes 20 to 30 minutes. Exit counseling should be completed shortly before the student graduates or ceases to be enrolled on at least a half-time basis. Students who withdraw without notice will be emailed exit counseling information and a link to the online exit counseling. You can have your federal student loans forgiven, canceled, or discharged in certain situations. That means you won’t have to repay some or all of your loan(s). The terms “forgiveness,” “cancellation,” and “discharge” mean essentially the same thing. Public Service Loan Forgiveness is the most common way people apply to have their 104