416CorsonAvenue,Modesto,CA95350, Modesto,CA Living Center (877) 399-0049 MentalHealthSystemsInc.Fresno 2550WestClintonAvenue,Fresno,CA93705, Fresno, CA CenterforChange (559) 264-7521 611EastBelmontAvenue,Fresno,CA93701, Fresno, CA WestCareCalifornia Inc. (559) 237-3420 SacramentoCountyProbation 3201FlorinPerkinsRoad,Sacramento,CA95826 Sacramento,CA Adult Drug Court Treatment Center (916) 875-1171 3600PowerInnRoad,SuiteC,Sacramento,CA Bridges Inc Sacramento,CA 95826 Outpatient Services (916) 450-0700 rd Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and 470East3 Street,A&B,LosAngeles,CA90013 VanNuys,CA DrugAbuse (213) 626-6411 Confidentiality All information received by Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts through the drug-free workplace program is confidential. Access to this information is limited to those who must know to comply with relevant laws and managementpolicies. SharedResponsibility A safe, productive, drug-free workplace is achieved through cooperation and shared responsibility. Students and employees, including management, have essential roles to play. All employees and students are required not to report to work or school while their ability to perform duties is impaired due to on- or off-duty use of alcohol or other drugs. In addition, employees and students are to report dangerous behavior to their appropriate designated official and inform their supervisor or program coordinator of any over-the-counter or prescription medications that may affect their performance/behavior. The supervisor and instructor are responsible for the following: 1. Observeemployeeandstudentperformance. 2. Investigate reports of dangerous practices. 3. Documentnegativechangesandproblemsinperformance. 4. Counselemployeesandstudentsastoexpectedperformanceimprovement. 5. Clearly state the consequences of policy violations. ReasonableSuspicionTesting Testing may be required where there is reasonable suspicion based on objective symptoms. This includes factors related to appearance, behavior, or speech if the employee or student is found to have physical evidence (i.e., drug or alcohol paraphernalia). Following an injury or other incident causing suspicion of drug or alcohol use, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts management may elect to test. Communication Communicating our Drug-Free Policy to employees and students is critical to our success. To ensure that all employeesandstudentsknowtheirroleinsupportingourprogram: ● Allemployeesandstudentswillreceiveawrittencopyofthepolicyandprogram. ● Thepolicyandprogramwillbereviewedwithnewemployeesandstudentsinorientationsessions. ● Allemployeesandstudentswillreceiveanupdatedpolicyandprogramannually. ReviewofthisPolicy Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts will review the Drug-Free Policy/Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program at 127

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