least once every two (2) years. Alcoholic Beverage Programs The possession, sale, or furnishing of alcohol on the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts campus is governed by the Campus Director/Administrator and California state law. Laws regarding the possession, sale, consumption, or furnishing of alcohol are controlled by the California Department of Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC). However, the enforcement of alcohol laws on campus is the primary responsibility of the Campus Director/Administrator. The campus has been designated Drug-free. The possession, sale, manufacture, or distribution of any controlled substance is illegal under state and federal laws. Such laws are strictly enforced. Violators are subject to disciplinary action, criminal prosecution, fines, and imprisonment. It is unlawful to sell, furnish, or provide alcohol to anyone under 21. The possession of alcohol by anyone less than 21 years of age in a public place or a place open to the public is illegal. It is also a violation of the Alcohol Policy for anyone to consume or possess alcohol in any public or private campus area without prior approval from the Campus Director/Administrator. Students, employees, or groups violating alcohol/substance policies or laws may be subject to sanctions by Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. Illegal Drugs The campus has been designated “Drug-free.” The possession, sale, manufacture, or distribution of any controlled substance is illegal under state and federal laws. The Campus Director strictly enforces such laws. Violators are subject to disciplinary action, criminal prosecution, fines, and imprisonment. PreventionPrograms Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtshasdevelopedaprogramtopreventstudents’andemployees’illicitdrugand alcohol abuse. The program provides drug use and abuse services, including disseminating referrals and disciplinary actions. The Campus Director will provide referral services upon request. Local, State, and Federal Legal Sanctions LawsGoverningAlcohol,ControlledSubstances&HealthRisks A violation of any law regarding alcohol and controlled substances is also a violation of the Student CodeofConduct.Itwillbetreatedasaseparatedisciplinarymatter. California sets 21 as the minimum age to purchase or possess any alcoholic beverage. The unlawful use, possession, distribution, manufacturing, or dispensing of illegal drugs is prohibited. Substance abuse may result in serious health problems or even sudden death, which can occur after first-time useinthecaseofsomedrugs(e.g.,cocaine).Thefollowingisapartiallistofotherpotentialhealthrisks: Acute difficulties; Heart attack; Stroke; Long-lasting effects; Disruption of normal heart rhythm; High blood pressure; Destruction of brain cells; Permanent memory loss; Infertility and impotence; Immunesystem;impairment;Kidneyfailure;Cirrhosisoftheliver;Pulmonarydamage,etc. Specific ordinances regarding violations of alcohol laws, including driving while intoxicated as well as for the unlawful possession or distribution of illegal drugs and alcohol, include the following: ● No person may sell, furnish, give, or cause to be sold, furnished, or given away any alcoholic beverage to a person under 21. No person under the age of 21 may purchase alcoholic beverages. (California Business and Professions Code 256560). 128

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