RTT476–SeminarinRadiationTherapyII–15ClockHours/1SemesterCreditHour Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. This course is designed to support learning in Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship II. Students will meet to discuss clinical progress and procedural information specific to radiation therapy and perform structured assignments utilizing the clinical setting for learning. Content for this course includes patient population and statistics, patient flow in the department, various components of a department, interdepartmental interactions and interactions with other departments, and the exploration and discussion of the various treatment modalities available. RTT485–RadiationTherapyClinicalExternshipIII–480ClockHours/10.5SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII. Continuation of clinical externship practice. This course focuses on specific principles and techniques utilized for assigned cancer treatments. Students will demonstrate clinical competencies in the application of specific radiation therapy techniques. Students will conduct technical and competent to perform treatment and simulation procedures. Students will complete a simulation and treatment rotation during this course. RTT486–SeminarinRadiationTherapyIII–15ClockHours/1SemesterCreditHour Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII. This course is designed to support learning in Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship IV. Students will meet to discuss clinical progress and procedural information specific to radiation therapy and perform structured assignments utilizing the clinical setting for learning. Content for this course includes patient population and statistics, patient flow in the department, various components of a department, interdepartmental interactions and interactions with other departments, and the exploration and discussion of the various treatment modalities available. RTT490–RadiationTherapyCapstone–60ClockHours/4SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII. This course examines historical and current issues in the profession. This class will review the professional components of radiation therapy and the expectations of being part of a functional department. This course will address preparation for employment, from resume writing to interview techniques and the professional scope of practice. Preparation for entry into the profession and completion of the capstone project will be accomplished. BoneDensitometryTechnician(DXA)Courses–BlendedProgram DXA101–FundamentalsofBoneDensitometry–40ClockHours/3.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite — None This course covers the basic understanding of bone densitometry (DXA) through fundamentals of the equipment, patient care and patient prep. The course will cover radiation physics and protection and best practice in scanning patients including DXA scanning analysis. We will also look at additional applications that assist in the diagnosis of fracture risk, and detect low bone density and current Interventions. DXA101C–ClinicalPracticeI–16ClockHours/0.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of DXA 101 with a “C” or better. Clinical experiences are designed to provide patient care and assessment, competent performance of Bone Density imaging, and total quality management. The concepts of team practice, patient-centered clinical practice, and professional development are evaluated through structured, competency-based clinical education. Levels of competency ensure the well-being of the patient prior to, during, and following the radiologic procedure. DentalAssistant (DA) Courses – Blended Program 304