Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, III, IV, and V. This course will address reading and researching radiation therapy. Research approaches and procedures will be explored. Examples of various research methods and techniques will be discussed. Students will be assigned a research project during their time in the program. Research projects will be submitted in the Capstone course. RTT440–Dosimetry–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII. This course will provide content designed to examine factors that influence and govern the clinical planning of patient treatments. This encompasses isodose distributions, influence modification, radiobiological considerations, dosimetric calculations, and clinical application of radiation. Topics will include the effects of treatment distance, beam weighting, beam modifiers, irregular fields, tissue inhomogeneities, and compensating filters. Electromagnetic and particulate beams, as well as advanced and emerging technologies, are covered. Evaluation of treatment plans emphasized. RTT450–OperationalIssues–30ClockHours/2SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII. This class will focus on various radiation therapy operational and budgetary issues, hospital and governmental accreditation, types of insurance, coding, and reimbursements. Professional roles, responsibilities, and development will be emphasized. Synthesis of previous didactic and clinical information; an in-depth examination of current and future professional issues, technological advances, and ethics; a look at professional preparation, organizations, and continuing education are discussed. RTT460–Radiobiology–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII. This course discusses the principles and concepts, including radiation effects on cells, organs, systems, and levels within the entire body. Emphasis is on the theories and principles of tolerance dose, time-dose relationships, fractionation schemes, and the relationship to the clinical practice of radiation therapy. RTT470–RadiationTherapyClinicalExternshipI–570ClockHours/12.5SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, III, and IV. Content is designed to provide sequential development, application, analysis, integration, synthesis, and evaluation of concepts and theories in radiation therapy. This course’s objectives and competencies focus on patient-centered care, teamwork principles, introduction to and safety procedures for treatment and simulation equipment, and introductory level treatment procedures. Students will complete a simulation and treatment rotation during this course. RTT471–SeminarinRadiationTherapyI–15ClockHours/1SemesterCreditHour Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, III, and IV. This course is designed to support learning in Radiation Therapy Clinical Internship I. Students will meet to discuss clinical progress and procedural information specific to radiation therapy and perform structured assignments utilizing the clinical setting for learning. Content for this course includes patient population and statistics, patient flow in the department, various components of a department, interdepartmental interactions and interactions with other departments, and the exploration and discussion of the various treatment modalities available. RTT475–RadiationTherapyClinicalExternshipII–570ClockHours/12.5SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: Completion of semesters I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. Continuation of clinical externship practice. This course focuses on specific principles and techniques utilized for assigned cancer treatments. Students will demonstrate clinical competencies in the application of specific radiation therapy techniques. Students will conduct assisted and technical treatment and simulation procedures. Students will complete nursing, simulation, and treatment rotations during this course. 303