UT504B–VascularSonography2–28ClockHours/2.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, III, and IV courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module V UT didactic and laboratory courses. Students will learn vascular terminology and advanced vascular physical principles. Anatomy and hemodynamic characteristics of the lower extremity arterial system will be the main focus of this course. Scanning techniques andprotocolswill be taught as challenges in the clinical setting. UT504BL–LaboratoryVascularSonography2–28ClockHours/1QuarterCreditHour Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, III, and IV courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module V UT didactic and laboratory courses. This course will review Doppler sonography within the lab setting. Students will learn techniques and skills for theoptimization of the vascular examination. The focus is on the lower extremity arterial system protocol. Indirect assessment of the arteries will also be introduced and taught with the lab’s ABI machine. This will introduce and prepare students for studies on peripheral vascular disease. UT504C–VascularSonography3–28ClockHours/2.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, III, and IV courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module V UT didactic and laboratory courses. This course covers extracranial sonography and the protocols and scanning techniques required for diagnostic exams. UT504CL–LaboratoryVascularSonography3–28ClockHours/1QuarterCreditHour Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, III, and IV courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module V UT didactic and laboratory courses. This course will focus on the Extracranial and Intracranial Doppler, primarily carotid artery and TCD ultrasound exams.StudentswilllearntouseDopplervelocitiesandcreateratiosthatdeterminenormalvs.abnormalflow. Students will learn carotid and TCD protocols and scanning techniques to perform the complete exams in 45 minutes. UT504D–VascularSonography4–24ClockHours/2QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, III, and IV courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module V UT didactic and laboratory courses. This course focuses on upper extremity venous vascular protocols. Vascular hemodynamics and physical principles are reviewed and practiced. Scanning skills and techniques are taught to recognize the normal and abnormalanatomyanddisease(anddiseaseprocesses)oftheupperextremities. UT504DL–LaboratoryVascularSonography4–24ClockHours/1QuarterCreditHour Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, III, and IV courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module V UT didactic and laboratory courses. This course will review Doppler sonography within the lab setting. Students will learn techniques and skills for optimizing the upper arterial vascular examination. Students will be taught upper arterial extremity protocols. Indirect assessment of the arteries will also be introduced and taught with the lab’s ABI machine. This will introduce and prepare students for peripheral vascular disease. UT505–MSK–20ClockHours/2QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, III, and IV courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module V UT didactic and laboratory courses. This course is a basic introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the shoulder, knee, and Achilles tendon.ScanningtechniquesandspecificsofMSKscanninginsonographywillbecovered.Basic sonographyknowledgeandskillswillbepresented. UT505L–LaboratoryMSK–20ClockHours/1QuarterCreditHour 267