Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, III, and IV courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module V UT didactic and laboratory courses. Students will scan normal MSK anatomy and acquire the skills and techniques to present normal structures with ultrasound. Basic sonography knowledge and skills will be presented at two levels, “Introduction” and “Review.” This will enrich the students’ scanning skills in preparing for the externship. UT607A–Gynecology1–24ClockHours/2QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, III, IV, and V courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module VI UT didactic and laboratory courses. This moduleintroducesgynecologysonography.Studentswilllearntheanatomyandphysiologyofthefemale pelvis and embryology and congenital anomalies. UT607B–Gynecology2–28ClockHours/2.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, III, IV, and V courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module VI UT didactic and laboratory courses. This course will cover the pathology found during gynecologic ultrasound examinations. Students will learn sonographic features of malignant and benign disease processes, including required correlation with clinical, laboratory, and pathologic findings. UT607L–LaboratoryGynecologySonography–52ClockHours/2.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Module I, II, III, IV, and V courses with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module VI UT didactic and laboratory courses. This module covers protocols for sonography of the female pelvis. Students will learn the basic protocol and the Doppler portions included in most facility protocols. Students will understand why images are needed and learn patient care components such as communication skills, endovaginal sonography techniques, and disinfection requirements. UT609A–ObstetricSonography1–32ClockHours/3QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of modules I, II, and V is required with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module VI UT didactic and laboratory courses. This course covers the first and second trimesters of pregnancy. Students will learn the indications for an OB first trimester sonogram and the normal vs. abnormal sonographic findings. Students will learn about the developmentoftheplacentaandtheumbilicalcordandtheirrolesinpregnancy.Studentswilllearntouse second-trimester biometric parameters and determine fetal dating. Students will be introduced to biophysical profiles and recognition of intrauterine growth retardation. UT609B–ObstetricSonography2–62ClockHours/6QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of modules I, II, and V with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module VI UT didactic and laboratory courses. This course covers pregnancy’s second and third trimesters and the fetal anatomical and physiological systems, including normal and abnormal findings. Students will continue learning the correct protocols for each trimester, including biometric measurements, required organs, amniotic fluid volume, placenta grade, position, numberofpregnancies,andlungmaturity.Variousanomalieswillbecovered,andprotocolswillbefollowedif abnormalities are detected. Students will be introduced to prenatal testing. Multiple gestations and risk factors for multiple gestations will also be covered. UT610–IntegrationofTheoryandPracticeLab2–88ClockHours/4QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of modules I, II, and V with a “C” or better and concurrent enrollment with all Module VI UT didactic and laboratory courses. This course is designed to allow the students to continue scanning during the concurrent didactic portion of their education. The Integration of Theory and Practice Lab courses are designed to allow students to continue 268