Master of Science in Nursing BSN to MSN

At the graduate level, the goal is the development of knowledgeable and professional nurses who are able to unify practice with theory and advanced research to provide leadership, education, and service to healthcare stakeholders and to the profession

Master of Science in Nursing (BSN to MSN) Program Program Highlights . . s u p m a C o t n e m a r c • 24 Months* In-depth Program a S e h t t a t n e d u t S • Online Coursework y m e d a c A k c i n r u G A • Financial Aid Available for those who qualify : e v o b a e g a m I • Alumni Grant (for Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts BSN Graduates): $1,800.00 Integrate • Job Placement Assistance •• Subjects covered include Empower - Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing Practice - Advanced Research Methodologies and Analysis-Evidence Based Practice Achieve - Leadership and Management in Nursing and Healthcare -- TTeeaacchhiinngg aanndd LLeeaarrnniinngg PPrroocceessss aanndd Strategies Speak with an Admission Advisor *90 Approved Instructional Weeks 1-877-GURNICK • GURNICK.EDU Follow Us To Stay Up on the Latest! SCAN ˿ #gurnickacademy TO LEARN Required Disclosures MORE © Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts, LLC

Lorem Ipsum The Online M.S. in Nursing (BSN to MSN) Program Is Available in the Following States. 1-877-GURNICK GURNICK.EDU At the graduate level, the goal is the development of knowledgeable and professional nurses who are able to unify We are continuing to expand availability of the practice with theory and advanced research to program throughout the United States. provide leadership, education, and service to healthcare stakeholders and to the profession. The program curriculum instills The program curriculum instills nurses with vital knowledge and skills to promote health, lead change, and elevate advanced care in Campus Locations various roles and diverse environments. Emphasis will be placed on evidence-based Emphasis will be placed on evidence-based practice, professional development, and Sacramento Campus Concord Campus scholarly practice preparing nursing professionals with advanced theoretical skills 1401 Willow Pass Road 8810 Cal Center Drive and applied research methods. 3rd Floor Suite 450 Sacramento, CA 95826 Concord, CA 94520 (916) 588-2060 (9250 687-9555 We are Accredited & Approved! San Jose Campus Fresno Campus 11664411 NN.. FFiirrsstt SSttrreeeett 44774477 NN 11sstt SSttrreeeett San Jose, CA 95112 Suite 192 (408) 384-7050 Fresno, CA 93711 (559) 222-1903 Institutionally accredited by the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools.* Van Nuys Campus Modesto Campus Approved to operate by the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education.** 4712 Stoddard Road 15400 Sherman Way Approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing. Suite 200 Suite 201 MMooddeessttoo,, CCAA 9955335566 Van Nuys, CA 91406 (209) 521-1821 ((774477)) 220000--44556677 *ABHES Contact Information: 6116 Executive Blvd., Suite 730, North Bethesda, MD 20852 (301) 291-7550 | [email protected] **Approval to operate means the institution is compliant with the minimum ssttaannddaarrddss ccoonnttaaiinneedd iinn tthhee CCaalliiffoorrnniiaa PPrriivvaattee PPoossttsseeccoonnddaarryy EEdduuccaattiioonn AAcctt ooff 22000099 ((aass amended) and Division 7.5 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. Information about the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education can be found at Revision Date: 01.08.2024