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Bachelor of Science in Nursing RN to BSN

We are Accredited & Approved!The RN to BSN pathway consists of academic training and a clinical component correlating with theoretical knowledge. There are two clinical courses: Community Health Nursing Clinical and Leadership/Management in Nursing Clinica

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program, RN to BSN Pathway Program Highlights . s u • 12 Months* In-depth Program p m a c d r o c n o C e h t • Online Coursework t a s t n e d u t s y m e d a • Financial Aid Available for those who qualify c A k c i n r u G : e v o b a • VA Education Benefits Eligible Program e g a m I • Job Placement Assistance Integrate • $750 Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts AAlluummnnii GGrraanntt ffoorr AADDNN && LLVVNN ttoo RRNN ggrraadduuaatteess • Subjects covered include Empower - Leadership/Management in Nursing - Organization & Function of Health Services - Essentials of Patient Education - Ethics and Law in Health Science Achieve - Holistic Health & Complementary Medicine -- CCoommmmuunniittyy HHeeaalltthh NNuurrssiinngg,, aalllloowwiinngg graduates the Public Health Nursing Speak with an Admission Advisor Certification 1-877-GURNICK • GURNICK.EDU *45 Approved Instructional Weeks Follow Us to Stay Up on the Latest! SCAN #gurnickacademy ˿ TO LEARN Required Disclosures MORE © Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts, LLC

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