occupations or at all. Some clinical rotations and radiographic examinations are deemed “gender-specific,” such as mammography and the hysterosalpingogram (HSG). While mammography is generally performed on females, the HSG is an examinationexclusively conducted on female patients. Male students should understand that they may not observe or perform these examinations because of their sensitivity. Didactic information on these examinations will be provided to all students. However, clinical experience in these examinations may be limited to only female students. A.O.S. in RT Program Goals and Objectives ● Students/graduateswilldemonstrateclinicalcompetency. ● Students/graduateswilldevelopproblem-solvingandcritical-thinking skills. ● Students/graduateswillapplyeffectivecommunicationskills. A.O.S. in RT Student Learning Outcomes ● Studentswilluseproperpositioningskills. ● Studentswillobtainradiographsofacceptablediagnosticquality. ● Studentswillexerciseproperradiationprotection. ● Students will be able to modify standard procedures to accommodate non-routine patient conditions. ● Studentswillbeabletocritiqueimagesfordiagnosticquality. ● Studentswilldemonstrateeffectiveoralandwrittencommunicationskills. A.O.S. in RT Program Outline Table 31. A.O.S. in RT Program Outline COURSE CLOCK QUARTERCREDIT COURSETITLE NUMBER HOURS HOURS GE011 Anatomy&PhysiologyI 56.0 5.5 GE112 AlgebraI 45.0 4.5 GE201 Introduction to Sociology 45.0 4.5 GE222 English Reading and Composition 45.0 4.5 GEH020 MedicalTerminology 18.0 1.5 GEH253 Ethics and Law in Radiography 24.0 2.0 Patient Care in Radiographic Imaging 45.0 4.0 XRT101 Radiographic Procedures I 70.0 6.0 XRT102 Radiographic Equipment and Exposure 50.0 5.0 XRT103 Radiographic Procedures II 70.0 6.0 XRT104 Radiation Protection and Physics 70.0 7.0 XRT105 Integration of Theory and Practice Fundamentals 25.0 2.0 XRT106 Clinical Practice I 160.0 5.0 XRT107 Clinical Practice II 160.0 5.0 XRT108 Clinical Practice III 160.0 5.0 XRT109 178
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