within California. Eligibility for ARRT® Certification Per ARRT®´s “Equation for Excellence,” candidates for ARRT® certification must meet basic requirements in the three componentsoftheequation: 4. Ethics ARRT®Pre-ApplicationReviewProcess The American Registry of Radiologic Technology requires an applicant for the certifying exam to disclose any history of criminal and misdemeanor proceedings. The specific language is whether you havebeenconvictedofacrimeormisdemeanor,including,butnotlimitedto 1. Misdemeanor 2. GrossMisdemeanor 3. Felony 4. All alcohol and drug-related violations 5. Military Court Martial For this section, “Convicted” includes a criminal proceeding where a finding or verdict of guilty is madeorreturned,but 1. Theadjudication of guilt is either withheld, deferred, or not entered; or 2. Thesentenceissuspendedorstayed,or 3. A criminal proceeding where the individual enters a plea of guilty or no contest (nolo contendere) or 4. Thereisapre-trial diversion. You are NOT required to report offenses committed as a juvenile and were adjudicated through the juvenile court system. An applicant with a concern is advised to obtain a pre-application review of eligibility for certification before entering the program. The information can be obtained from the ARRT® by calling (651) 687-0048 or their website at www.arrt.org. 5. Education Eligibility for certification also specifies the satisfaction of educational preparation requirements. For the primary pathway to certification, eligibility requires completing the respective discipline’s formal educational program accredited by a mechanism acceptable to ARRT®. Candidates must also demonstratecompetencyindidacticcourseworkandanARRT®specifiedlistofclinicalprocedures. For a post-primary pathway to certification, candidates must hold registration in a supporting category and document ARRT® specified clinical experience. Further details may be found in the handbooksavailableforeachpost-primarycertification discipline. 6. Examination Finally, eligibility requires candidates for certification, after having met all other qualifications, to pass an examination developed and administered by the ARRT®. The exams assess the knowledge and cognitive skills underlying the intelligent performance of the tasks typically required of staff technologists practicing within the respective disciplines. Exam content is specified on this website andintherespectivehandbookforeachdiscipline. California Department of Public Health, Radiologic Health Branch contact information is MS 7610, P.O. Box 997414, Certification Unit, Sacramento, CA 95899-7414, Phone: (916) 327-5106, Fax: (916) 440-7999, Web: 88