● HaveaPell-eligibleEFC. ● Beenrolledinanundergraduateprogram. ● Nothaveearnedabaccalaureateorfirstprofessionaldegreeorequivalent,and ● Belessthan24yearsofageorenrolledataninstitutionofhighereducationatthetimeoftheir parent’s or guardian’s death. The student remains eligible for the Children of Fallen Heroes (CFH) award in subsequent years if the student is Pell-eligible, has a Pell-eligible EFC, and is otherwise eligible. PUBLICSAFETYOFFICER For purposes of the CFH award, a public safety officer is: ● A fire or police officer is defined as an individual who is serving under state or local law as an officially recognized or designated member of a legally organized public safety agency and provides scene security or directs traffic responding to any fire drill, fire call, or other fire, rescue or police emergency,orataplannedspecialevent;or ● Asdefined in section 1204 of Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C 3796b). CFHawardsaregiftaidandarenotrepaid. Professional Judgment TheFAFSASimplification Act (the Act) distinguishes between different categories of professional judgment by amendingsection479AoftheHEA. ● Special Circumstances refer to the financial situations (loss of a job, etc.) that justify an aid administrator adjusting data elements in the COA or the EFC calculation. ● Unusual Circumstances refer to the conditions that justify an aid administrator adjusting a student’s dependency status based on a unique situation (e.g., human trafficking, refugee or asylee status, parental abuse or abandonment, incarceration), more commonly referred to as a dependency override. Special Circumstances An aid administrator may use PJ on a case-by-case basis to adjust the student’s cost of attendance or the data usedtocalculatetheir EFC. This adjustment is valid only at the school making the change. If you exercise PJ for a student selected for verification (by you or the Department), you must complete verification first. You do not have to verify the information you will remove due to PJ. For example, if a dependent student’s parents have separated after completion of the FAFSA form and one parent is no longer in the household size, youmaydecidetousePJtoremovethatparent’sincomefromtheFAFSAform. You donothavetoverifythatparent’sincomebeforeremovingit.Also,usingPJdoesnotrequireyoutoverifya student’s application if they were not already selected for verification by the Department or your school. You must resolve any inconsistent or conflicting information before making any adjustments. An FAA’s decision regarding adjustments is final and cannot be appealed to the Department. ThelawgivessomeexamplesofspecialcircumstancesthatMAYbeconsidered(HEASec.479A): ● Changeinemploymentstatus,income,orassets ● Changeinhousingstatus(e.g.,homelessness) ● Tuitionexpensesatanelementaryorsecondaryschool ● Medical,dental,ornursinghomeexpensesnotcoveredbyinsurance ● Childordependentcareexpenses ● Severedisabilityofthestudentorothermemberofthestudent’shousehold ● Otherchangesoradjustmentsthatimpactthestudent’scostsorabilitytopayforcollege. 102