This course is taught at a clinical site, applying theoretical content of patient-centered care of mothers and newborns.Theemphasisisonassessment,teaching,andclinicalinterventionstopromotehealthyoutcomes for families. RN302–CareofChildrenTheory(3Units,45clockhours) Prerequisite: None In-depth identification of various diseases affecting the child through young adulthood, including physical and developmentalmaturation,iscovered.Culturalvariations and family interactions are explored. Disease prevention, health maintenance, and appropriate therapeutic interventions such as pharmacologic agents and nutrition are included. RN303–CareofChildrenClinical(1.5Units,67.5clockhours) Prerequisite: None This course is taught at a clinical site, applying theoretical content into practice with attention to patient-centered, quality care. Interaction with family members facilitates the student’s ability to recognize family dynamics and their effects on the developmental process. Advanced skills necessary to care for pediatric patients are achieved through simulation. The application of the nursing process to optimize patient and family outcomesisemphasized. RN304–Medical/SurgicalIIITheory-AdvancedMed/Surg(3Units,45clockhours) Prerequisite: None This course provides basic medical/surgical theory related to respiratory, cardiac, neurologic, and musculoskeletal disorders. Disorders of the following systems are reviewed: integumentary, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, endocrine, sensory, and hematology problems. Developanunderstandingofthedynamicsequenceofbiological,psychological,andsociologicalchangesthat occur through older adulthood. Usual growth and development patterns and disruption in critical periods of developmentarepresentedandhelpdevelopnursinginsight,enablingsafe,effective,patient-centeredcare. RN305–Medical/SurgicalIIIClinical-AdvancedMed/Surg(2Units,90clockhours) Prerequisite: None This course is taught at a clinical site, integrating the practical application of the advanced medical/surgical theory course caring for selected patients with multiple health disruptions. Students apply the nursing process to optimize patient outcomes. RN400–MentalHealthTheory(2Units,30clockhours) Prerequisite: None This course addresses theories and principles of psychiatric nursing. Biopsychosocial foundations of behavior, communication,andpsychopharmacologyareemphasized.Patientrelationshipsandtheuseofeffectiveand ineffective communication are addressed. The nurse’s role in the prevention and early identification of psychiatric disorders of children, adolescents, adults, and older adults and the treatment modalities of mental illness and organic brain syndromes are studied. RN401–MentalHealthClinical(2Units,90clockhours) Prerequisite: None This course is taught at clinical sites, facilitating the application of theory into clinical practice in the care of selected patients who may experience psychological stress, neurobiological disorders, and high-risk situations. This includes homelessness, family violence, child abuse, HIV, and post-traumatic stress syndrome. Students apply the nursing process to optimize patient outcomes. RN402–Medical/SurgicalIVTheory-ComplexMed/Surg&Leadership(3Units,45clockhours) Prerequisite: None 319

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