Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-PN). Completing this program does not automatically enable a graduate to work as a Vocational Nurse. The BVNPT accredits the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts Vocational Nurse Programandrequiresdisclosingthefollowinginformationfromtheirwebsite: SummaryofRequirementsforLicensureasaVocationalNurse Section A 1. MinimumAge–17Years. 2. Completingthe12thGradeofschoolingoritsequivalent(furnishproof). 3. Completeandsignthe“ApplicationforVocationalNurseLicensure.” 4. CompleteandsigntheRecordofConvictionform. 5. Submit the required fingerprints from the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). (See “Important Fingerprint Information.”) Note: A License will not be issued until the Board receives the background information from DOJ. 6. Attach the appropriate non-refundable fee made payable to the “BVNPT.” 7. Successful completion of a written examination titled the National Council Licensing Examination for Practical (Vocational) Nursing (NCLEX) or the National League for Nursing Test Pool Practical Nursing Examination (NLN). A passing score on a Registered Nurse examination will not satisfy this requirement. 8. When the requirements of Steps one through seven (1 – 7) have been met, the Board will advise youoftheInitial License Fee to be paid. This fee is in addition to the application fee. Processing your license takes four to six (4 – 6) weeks. Section B 1. GraduateofaCaliforniaAccreditedSchoolofVocationalNursing. Successful completion of a California Accredited Vocational Nursing Program; Contact your program director for application forms and instructions. 2. GraduateofanOut-of-StateSchoolofPractical/VocationalNursing. The Board of Nursing must have accredited the school of practical/vocational nursing from which yougraduatedintheStateinwhichitislocated. (Licensure in another state does NOT entitle you to practice as a Licensed Vocational Nurse in California. To practice as a Licensed Vocational Nurse in California, you must be licensed by the California State Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians.) 3. Equivalent Education and Experience. This method requires you to complete within ten (10) years before the date of application not less than fifty-one (51) months of paid general duty bedside nursing experience in a general acute care facility approved by the Board. At least half of this must have been within five (5) years before the date of application. In addition to this experience, you must also complete a pharmacology course of at least 54 theory hours that covers the following content: ● Knowledgeofcommonlyuseddrugsandtheiraction ● Computationofdosages ● Preparationofmedications ● Principlesofadministration The51monthsofexperienceshallincludeaminimumofeachofthefollowing: ● 48monthsofmedical/surgicalnursing ● Five(5)weeksofmaternityorgenitourinarynursing ● Five(5)weeksofpediatricnursing 92