Prerequisite: Completion of module VII with a “C” or better. The course reviews the program’s core curriculum to prepare students to study for and pass the national credentialing examination. Content will cover the registry content specifications, including safety and image production. Students will take mock registry board exams and learn effective studying strategies. Associate of Science in Nursing (ADN) Courses – Blended Program RN100–FundamentalsofNursingTheory–45ClockHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Corequisite: This course is paired with RN 101. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. This course introduces professional nursing. Content includes a brief history of nursing, including the roles and responsibilities of the health care team. The provision of a standard of care consistent with legal, ethical, and regulatory guidelines and ANA Standards of Practice are emphasized. Verbal communication skills, informatics, evidence-based practice, safety, and developing a patient-centered therapeutic nurse-client relationship are fostered. Students are taught the nursing process and nursing diagnosis to develop a nursing care plan. RN101–FundamentalsofNursingClinicalandLab–157.5ClockHours/3.5SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Corequisite: This course is paired with RN 100. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. This course integrates concepts, theories, and skills fundamental to nursing practice. Students will use the nursing process to plan and provide for adult patients’ cultural, physiological, social, psychological, and spiritual needswithhealthdisruptions. RN102–HealthAssessmentTheory–30ClockHours/2SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Corequisite: This course is paired with RN 103. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. This course focuses on strategies to obtain health histories and physical assessment data for diverse populations across the lifespan. Students are instructed to identify normal and abnormal findings using inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Health risk prevention and the promotion of optimal health behaviors are also addressed. RN103–HealthAssessmentSkillsLab–67.5ClockHours/1.5SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Corequisite: This course is paired with RN 102. Failure in one paired course equals failure in both paired courses. This course uses health assessment theory to develop the hands-on skills of inspection, palpation, percussion, andauscultation. Laboratory experience includes demonstration, practice, and critique of skill performance. RN104–FundamentalsofPharmacology–30ClockHours/2SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Students are familiarized with a history of pharmacology, the classification of medications, their actions, application, and nursing considerations. Principles and procedures for the safe administration of medications are stressed. Basic math and computation of adult and pediatric dosages are included. Actions, interactions, applications, and nursing considerations are addressed. RN106–Pathophysiology–30ClockHours/2SemesterCreditHours Prerequisite: None Pathophysiological changes in acutely ill and chronically ill patients across the lifespan are explored using a systemsandinter-systemsapproach.Identification of pathological changes in assessing patients with major health disruptions; techniques appropriate to patients using a major systems approach; analysis of data and describing intersystem relationships across the life span as a basis for problem-solving in the nursing process. 282