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For this section: 1. A student’s attendance period must be measured from the first day of instruction as outlined in the enrollment agreementthroughthestudent’slastdayofactualattendance,regardlessofabsences. 2. Theperiodforatrainingprogramisoutlinedintheenrollmentagreement. 3. Tuition must be calculated using the tuition and fees outlined in the enrollment agreement and does not include books, educational supplies, or equipment listed separately from the tuition and fees. If Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts cancels or changes a training program agreed upon in the enrollment agreement,GurnickAcademyofMedicalArtswill: 1. Offer the student a fair chance to complete the same program or another program with a demonstratedpossibility of placement equal to or higher than the possibility of placement of the programinwhichthestudentisenrolledwithinapproximatelythesameperiodatnoadditional cost, if available, or 2. Obtaining the student’s written agreement to the specified changes and a statement that the student is not being coerced or forced into accepting the changes unless the cancellation or change of a program is in response to a change in the requirements to enter an occupation. ACCOUNTFORSTUDENTINDEMNIFICATION Under NRS 394.553, the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education has established an account for student indemnification, which may be used to indemnify a student or enrollee who has suffered damage as a result of an institution’s: ● Discontinuanceofoperationofapostsecondaryeducationalinstitutionlicensedinthisstate;or ● ViolationbysuchaninstitutionofanyprovisionofNRS394.383to394.560,inclusive,ortheregulations adoptedunderthat. In addition to the expenditures made for indemnification, the money in the Account may be used to pay extraordinary expenses incurred to investigate claims for indemnification or resulting from discontinuing the operation of a postsecondary educational institution licensed in this state. STUDENTCODEOFCONDUCT DRUG-FREE Local, State, and Federal Legal Sanctions LawsGoverningAlcohol,ControlledSubstances&HealthRisks Aviolation of any law regarding alcohol and controlled substances violates the Student Code of Conduct. It will be treated as a separate disciplinary matter. Druguseduringpregnancymayresultinfetaldamageandcongenitaldisabilities,causinghyperactivity, neurological abnormalities, and developmental difficulties. PREGNANCY Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsprovidesallstudentswithasafeenvironmentforclinicalexperiencesand training. In compliance with regulations regarding pregnant students, female students have the option to 322

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