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FROMTHECEO DearStudent, WelcometoGurnickAcademyofMedicalArts! Onbehalfofmystaffandfaculty,IwouldliketothankyouforyourinterestinGurnickAcademyofMedicalArts. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts opened its first campus in February 2004. As we celebrate our 20th anniversary this year, six (6) campuses in California and several extensive allied health and nursing programs are offered; we also offer some programs via online and hybrid educational delivery methods. We are excited to offer certificate, diploma, and degree (up to Master) level programs. More than 3,500 students are served annually. Your decision to join Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts could lead you to a rewarding and fulfilling career in the medicalfield. Our catalog describes our programs, admission and graduation requirements, policies, and other essential information to help you decide on your course of study and progress academically and administratively in your chosenprogram. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts is a private academy offering quality allied health and nursing programs that integrate professional skills, career-focused education, and hands-on practical experience by empowering students to develop and achieve their personal and career goals. Our programs provide our students with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in the medical industry. At Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts, we consider the clinical part of our students’ training one of the most critical aspects of their medical education. Our students must rotate throughout our affiliated medical facilities while attending Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts. The number of clinical hours varies with each program. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts is continuously improving its operations and quality level. We are proud of what has been accomplished in the past years, and we look forward to sharing our future progress with you as wecontinuetoaddresstheneedsofourstudentsthroughmyriadinnovativetechniques. Konstantin Gourji Chief Executive Officer 10

2023-2024 | Catalog - Page 10 2023-2024 | Catalog Page 9 Page 11