TOTALGURNICKACADEMYPROFESSIONALCOURSES 645.0 25.0 TOTALPROGRAMFORDEGREE(PrerequisitesplusProfessional) 1,785.0 80.0 *Paired course. See the course descriptions for more details. ADNProgramInformation,Length,andSchedule The ADN is a degree program providing a library and classrooms with audiovisual teaching aids, textbooks, journals, anatomical charts, and models. The Instructor-to-Student ratio is 1:12 in the laboratory and clinical, 1:28 in residential lectures, and 1:25 in online lectures. The ADN program is designed with two (2) separate admission pathways. The pathways are intended for full-time attendance. Generic ADN(6semestersfor80SemesterCreditHours) In the program’s first two (2) semesters, students will take 33 Semester-Credit Hours of General Education courses via online delivery. The third semester is 15 weeks and comprises 14 Semester Credit Hours (nine (9) lecture and five (5) clinical and skills lab hours). Courses include Fundamentals of Nursing, encompassing theory, skills and clinical, Health Assessment, Pharmacology, and Pathophysiology. Theory and Lab will be held Monday through Friday. The clinical schedule may vary depending on clinical site availability. The fourth semester comprises ten (10) Semester Credit Hours (six (6) lecture and four (4) clinical hours). Courses include Introduction to Med/Surg I Theory and Clinical and Intermediate Med/Surg Theory and Clinical. Classes will be held Monday through Friday. The clinical schedule may vary depending on clinical site availability. The fifth semester consists of 14 Semester Credit Hours (nine (9) lecture and five (5) clinical hours). Courses include Maternal/Newborn Theory and Clinical, Care of Children Theory and Clinical, and Advanced Med/Surg I Theory and Clinical. Theory and Lab will be held Monday through Friday. The clinical schedule may vary dependingonclinicalsite availability. The sixth semester comprises nine (9) Semester Credit Hours (five (5) lecture and four (4) clinical hours). Courses include Mental Health Nursing Theory and Clinical and Complex Med-Surg Theory and Clinical/Leadership. Classes will be held Monday through Friday. The clinical schedule may vary depending on clinical site availability. Students enrolled in this pathway receive 885 hours of didactic and 900 hours of clinical and lab instruction, allowing them to apply the lecture topics to practical use. LVNtoRNAdvancedPlacement(2semestersforatotalof25SemesterCreditHours): Students in this pathway can complete the ADN program within 33 weeks (two (2) semesters and a three (3) weekLVNtoRNtransitioncourse),assumingmaximumcreditgrantingfornursingandGEcourses. AnadmissioncourseisrequiredforallstudentselectingtoenrollintheLVNtoRNAdvancedPlacement program.TheadmissioncourseisRN180–NursingTransitionAdvancedPlacementTheory&LabCourse.Itisa 5-unit, 120-hour course that evaluates the student’s readiness to enroll in the Advanced Placement pathway. Thestudentmustdemonstratetherequiredknowledgeandskillstocompletethiscourse.Allstudentsmust completethesebeforestartinganyProfessionalCourses. 196
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