systemsandareas.Thestudentswillusecasestudiesandimagesofthepathologiestoreinforcethelectures fromcasestheyperformedorobservedduringclinicalexternships.Thestudentwillresearchpathologiesand present the research in class. MR311–MRIClinicalIII–252ClockHours/8QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course allows students to practice the skills necessary to obtain high-quality MR images, objectively alter protocols based on patient pathology or physical condition, identify image quality problems, and make appropriate corrections. The clinical is conducted at a clinical facility after or with didactic instruction. Activities include demonstration and observation, after which the student assists in performing the activity. Thestudentcanperformtheactivityunderdirectsupervisionwhensatisfactoryproficiencyisapparent.When thestudentandinstructoraresatisfied with the student’s proficiency, the student will perform studies under indirect supervision to gain experience and expertise in MR imaging. This course is presented with a progression in competency levels in clinical performance objectives and competencyexams.Thestudentwillhaveaccesstothefacilities,personnel,examinations,andeducational materials to achieve the course objectives competently. MR401–MedicolegalConsiderationsinHealthcare–24ClockHours/2QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course provides a fundamental background in ethics and human diversity. The historical and philosophical basis of ethics and the elements of ethical behavior will be discussed. The student will examine various ethical issues and dilemmas found in clinical practice. Courseactivities will include research and analysis on case studies germane to medical imaging. An introduction to legal terminology, concepts, and principles will also be presented. Topics include misconduct, malpractice, legal, and the A.S. IN RT professional standards. MR402–MRIRegistryReview–36ClockHours/3.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course prepares students to pass the required registry board exams to work as MRI Technologists. This course reviews the MRI program. Students will take mock registry board exams. Students will learn effective waystostudyandanswerquestionsfromtheregistry. MR403–PhysicsII–31ClockHours/3QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course provides a comprehensive overview of MR imaging. Topics include instrumentation, magnetism, NMRsignalproduction,tissuecharacteristics, spatial localization, pulse sequencing, imaging parameters/options, special applications, safety, and quality assurance. Advanced-level training is included, whichprovidesactivities related to physical principles and quality assurance procedures. MR404–ComputersinImagingandPACS–24ClockHours/2QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course gives the student an understanding of radiology’s components, principles, and operation of digital imagingsystems.Thestudentwilllearntheprinciplesofdigitalimagingsystemsandfactorsthatimpactimage acquisition, display, archiving, and retrieval of MR images. MR411–MRIClinicalIV–252ClockHours/8QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None 278

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