lectures and 1:1 or 1:2 during clinical experiences. The MRI program comprises seventy-two (72) weeks of full-time study. The program is offered twice per calendar year. The curriculum encompasses all magnetic resonance imaging technology principles, including 246 hours of general education instruction, 620 hours of technical didactic instruction, and 1,020 hours of supervised clinical experience. The program is based on the parameters suggested by the Joint Review Commission on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT), the Association of Educators in Radiologic Sciences (AERS), and the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT). In addition, the MRI program integrates general education components to complementtechnicalcourses. The program consists of six (6) 12-week modules. Students will take General Education courses up to 24 hours per week during the first two (2) program modules. Students will take Technical courses online for five (5) weeksduringthesecondprogrammodule. Clinical Rotations start in module 3. Students will attend their clinical rotation at an assigned MRI facility for a period of forty-eight (48) weeks, two to four (2 – 4) days per week, with a minimum of 21 hours per week with +/- ten (10) hours per week variance. Occasional Saturday/Sunday clinical hours will be required to complete clinical hours. The expected program completion time is seventy-two (72) weeks, excluding holidays and vacation times. The curriculum provides our students with the general education, technical, clinical, and interpersonal skills necessary to succeed in this challenging field. An Associate of Science Degree is awarded upon program completion. Class times can and may be rescheduled on an alternate day of the week (Sunday through Saturday) to ensure on-time program completion and the fulfillment of required program hours. ASSOCIATEOFSCIENCEINNUCLEARMEDICINETECHNOLOGYPROGRAM(A.S.inNM) 94WEEKS 2646CLOCKHOURS 173QUARTERCREDITHOURS ASSOCIATEOFSCIENCEDEGREEPROGRAM,8MODULES STANDARDOCCUPATIONALCLASSIFICATION (SOCCode):29-2033.00 POTENTIALOCCUPATION: Please see a school official for the complete list of potential occupations. LOCATIONS:Concord DELIVERY:Blended,FullDistanceEducation Stock photo from Canva.com. A.S. in NM ProgramMission Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsaimstoofferqualityalliedhealthandnursingprogramsthatintegrate professional skills, career-focused education, and hands-on practical experience by empowering students to developandachievetheirpersonalandcareergoals. TheNuclearMedicineTechnologyprogram’smissionistoprovidethehealthcarecommunitywith compassionate,competent,andprofessionalnuclearmedicinetechnologists. 189
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