then the Campus Director will investigate all written complaints, attempt to resolve all such complaints, and record an entry into the campus’s official log. The formal process will require the student’s submission of a written description of the specific complaint and the desired remedy, accompanied by any available documentation. The Campus Director will have five (5) days to respond to the grievance and determine a proper action. The Campus Director may notify the student of the decision reached. Students may also follow the Appeals Procedures outlined below for further action if necessary. To provide students with a neutral mechanism for the reconsideration of disciplinary actions or performance evaluations that would necessitate the dismissal of the student from a program, Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts has a designated Appeals Committee consisting of the following individuals: Chief Academic Officer, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Executive Officer, and Vice President, Campus Operations. Note: A student must stay within the appeal process and only contact the Appeal Committee members if directed by a Campus Director or Committee member. A student who goes outside the procedure of this policy will be denied their appeal. If the Campus Director cannot remedy the issue and the student is still unsatisfied with the outcome, the student may ask the Campus Director, in writing, to forward all written grievances and correspondence to the Appeals Committee. The Appeals Committee will have five (5) working days to respond to the appeal and determineapropercourseofaction. All grievances and appeals will be handled discreetly. Dissemination of the resolution will be at the discretion of the Campus Director or Appeals Committee and on a “need-to-know” basis. The decisions rendered by the AppealsCommitteewillbethefinalandbindingdecisionoftheacademy. Students may be withdrawn either by self-withdrawal or by academic withdrawal. A student who self-withdraws will be processed through the drop process. Students who are academically withdrawn may dispute the withdrawal through the student grievance and appeals process. To initiate the grievance and appeals process, the students must submit a written appeal within five (5) days of being notified of the withdrawal. After five (5) days, the student will be dropped via the drop process if no written appeal has been submitted. If a written appeal is submitted within the allotted time, the student grievance and appeals process will start, and the student will be placed on Active Warning status and must attend all instruction until the grievance and appeals process has been completed and a final decision has been made. Please see the Student Grievance and Appealssectionfordetailedinformation. Students enrolled in licensed, private postsecondary institutions may register a legitimate complaint with the CommissiononPostsecondaryEducation. Before filing a complaint, you must attempt to resolve the issue with school officials according to the policies of theschoolwhichyouareattending.Ifyoucannotreachasolution,youmaycontacttheCommission,andthey will attempt to resolve the issue. If a resolution cannot be reached, you will be required to complete a formal complaint form; formal complaints are investigated by staff, and the administrator of the Commission decides. If either party does not agree with that decision, an appeal to the full Commission may be requested: NRS394.520allowsforthefollowing: 324

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