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property laws, including submitting personal identifying information (PII). The use of AI tools must be properly documentedandcited. Students found to have used generative AI tools in unauthorized ways will result in consequences ranging from receiving a zero on the assignment to withdrawal from the program, as it would violate the academic dishonesty policy, such as cheating and plagiarism. Employees may be terminated from employment. Please ask theinstructor or supervisor for clarification if there are any questions or doubts about permitted usage. AcceptableUsesMayInclude(butarenotlimitedto): ● Brainstormingideas ● Draftinganoutline ● Fine-tuningyourresearch ● Requestinginformation ● Checkinggrammarandstyle NotAcceptableUsesMayInclude(butnotlimitedto): ● Impersonatingyouintheclassroom,suchascomposingandpostingdiscussionboardpostsorposting content in a group chat (i.e., Zoom or Google Hangout) ● Writingadraftofawritingassignment. ● Writingentireparagraphsorpaperstocompleteanassignment Please refer to the student or employee handbook for more details about using AI tools. Citation The use of AI tools must be documented for transparency. Citations should be in MLA or APA style, depending ontheassignment.Acitationforeachpromptmustbeincludedifmorethanonepromptwasused. APAStyle: MLAStyle: PROGRAMINFORMATION Program schedules vary per campus. The times and dates below are for general information. Please review yourprogrammaticschedulesintheAddendum,StudentHandbook,andEnrollmentAgreement. The Marking Period within each program refers to a designated period for each program, such as a module or semester. Table 28. Marking Period Table Marking Program NumberofMarkingPeriods Period A.S. in NM 8 A.S. in RT 8 DA Module VN 4 XTMAS 170

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