Eligibility for certification also specifies the satisfaction of educational preparation requirements. For the primary pathway to certification, eligibility requires completing the respective discipline’s formal educational program accredited by a mechanism acceptable to ARRT®. Candidates must also demonstratecompetencyindidacticcourseworkandanARRT®specifiedlistofclinicalprocedures. For a post-primary pathway to certification, candidates must hold registration in a supporting category and document ARRT® specified clinical experience. Further details may be found in the handbooksavailableforeachpost-primarycertification discipline. 3. Examination Finally, eligibility requires candidates for certification, after having met all other qualifications, to pass an examination developed and administered by the ARRT®. The exams assess the knowledge and cognitive skills underlying the intelligent performance of the tasks typically required of staff radiologic therapeutic technologists practicing within the respective disciplines. Exam content is specified on this website and in the respective handbook for each discipline. California Department of Public Health, Radiologic Health Branch contact information is MS 7610, P.O. Box 997414, Certification Unit, Sacramento, CA 95899-7414, Phone: (916) 327-5106, Fax: (916) 440-7999, Web: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CEH/DRSEM/Pages/RHB-Contact.aspx. BachelorofScienceinNursingProgram(BSN) Students must take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) if they have never been licensed as a registered nurse in another state or have not passed the national licensing examination. If you are licensed in Canada,youmusttaketheNCLEX-RNunlessyouhavepassedanacceptablefive-partCanadianexamination. You must have completed an educational program meeting all California requirements. If you lack any educational requirements, you must complete an approved course in that subject before taking the examination. The NCLEX-RNisadministeredbyComputerizedAdaptiveTesting(CAT)andisdesignedtotestknowledge,skills, and abilities essential to safe and effective nursing practice at the entry-level. There is continuous, year-round testing with CAT, allowing eligible candidates to schedule their examination on a date and at the location of their choice. Examination applicants should submit their application to the Board at least six to eight weeks before taking the examination to allow time for processing and receipt of all required documents. Note: Application processing times vary depending on workload volumes received. The Board will evaluate your application, and if you are found eligible, you will be provided with important and detailed instructions regarding the registration process with the NCLEX testing service. PLEASE NOTE: All NCLEX examination registrations with the NCLEX testing service will remain effective for 365 days. Candidates not made eligible by our Board within 365 days will forfeit their registration and fee with the NCLEX testing service. The Board encourages candidates to wait until they are made Board-eligible before registering with the NCLEX testing service. Appropriate fees, including fingerprint and interim permit fees, if applicable. 1. Completed “Application for Licensure by Examination,” including U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). 2. Completedfingerprints using the Live Scan or fingerprint card (Hard Card) processing method. 3. Completed“RequestforAccommodationofDisabilities”andaccompanyingform(s). 4. Transcripts will be sent directly from your school of nursing. 5. If applicable, submit documents and letters explaining prior convictions or disciplinary action and 90