DXA101 FundamentalsofBoneDensitometry 40.0 3.5 DXA101C Clinical Practice I 16.0 0.5 TOTAL 56.0 4.0 DXAProgramInformation,Length,andSchedule The program information, length, and schedule may change. Please read the accompanying Addendum for changesandupdates,andcontactanAdmissionsadvisorformoredetailedinformation. The Gurnick AcademyofMedicalArtsBoneDensitometryTechnicianProgramprovidesalibraryandclassrooms with teaching aids, textbooks, journals, periodicals, and anatomical charts. The Bone Densitometry Technician Program is a certificate program. The students will receive didactic and clinical experience in affiliated medical facilities. The Instructor-to-Student ratio is 1:25 during online lectures and1:1duringclinical externships. Classes may be scheduled Monday through Sunday. Students will attend a maximum of 40 hours per week of instruction, including didactic lectures and clinicals. Clinical activities may be held on weekdays or weekends, and shifts may include days or evenings as the clinical site requires. Didactic courses are held between 8:00 AM to 10:30 PM. Theprogram’saffiliated clinical sites hold current state-issued certificates as approved clinical sites. The clinical sites provide supervised clinical instruction in the patient care setting. All clinical sites employ X-ray technicians or Radiologic Technologists and supervisors/operators (Doctors) who hold certification issued by the State of California Radiologic Health Branch. The Bone Densitometry Technician Program consists of 4.0 quarter credit hours, completed over five (5) weeks for fifty-six (56) contact hours. Day/Evening classes are currently scheduled for the program. Please refer to the course schedule for details. Before graduating, students must complete all didactic and clinical hours. DENTALASSISTANTPROGRAM(DA) 32WEEKS 946.5CLOCKHOURS 42.5 QUARTERCREDITHOURS CERTIFICATEPROGRAM,8MODULES STANDARDOCCUPATIONALCLASSIFICATION(SOCCode):31-9091.00, 43-6013.00 POTENTIALOCCUPATIONS:Pleaseseeaschoolofficialforthecomplete list of potential occupations. LOCATION:Modesto DELIVERY:Blended(ResidentialandDistanceEducation) AGurnickAcademyofMedicalArtsinstructorwithastudentintheDentalAssistantSkillsLabattheModestocampus. DAProgramMission Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts aims to offer quality allied health and nursing programs that integrate professional skills, career-focused education, and hands-on practical experience by empowering students to developandachievetheirpersonalandcareergoals. DAProgramDescription 222

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