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13. Exhibit accuracy in mathematical calculations related to safe and efficacious administration of fluids andmedications. 14. Embodyunderstandingandskillsinperforminghealthhistoryandphysicalassessment. 15. Enact a knowledge and ability to perform basic and complex nursing skills in caring for acute and chronically ill patients utilizing critical thinking skills. 16. Execute accurate documentation related to the assessment and performance of skills. 17. Apply knowledge of theory and principles from nursing and related sciences across the lifespan to selected nursing skills and procedures using the nursing process. CourseOutline Table 83. SemesterCredit CourseNumber Title Clock Hours Hours Nursing Transition Advanced Placement RN180 120.0 5.0 Theory&LabCourse TOTAL 120.0 5.0 COURSEDESCRIPTIONS Courses within the programs are not necessarily sequentially offered as they appear in this catalog. Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts reserves the right to change equipment and instructional materials, modify the curriculum, and combine or cancel classes. Orientation–DistanceEducation(Online) SMO001–MoodleReady,Students’BasicMoodleProficiency–Pass/NoPass Prerequisite: None This course familiarizes students with the common aspects of the Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts Moodle Learning ManagementSoftware(LMS)andbetterpreparesthemtosucceed in theiracademic courses. Before starting academic courses, this course and SMO 002: Academic Integrity Workshop course are required. SMO002–AcademicIntegrityWorkshop–Pass/NoPass Prerequisite: None This course covers avoiding plagiarism and prepares students for online activities using Gurnick Academy of MedicalArts’ academic integrity tools. This is a prerequisite course to all academic courses. GECourses–DistanceEducation(Online) GE001–BiologyBasics–45ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisite: None This course introduces major biological molecules, cell structure and function for eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms, cell cycle, genetics, sexual and asexual reproduction, bioenergetics, cell communication, and signaling. This is a General Education Course. GE002–PrinciplesofPhysics–45ClockHours/4.5QuarterCreditHours/3SemesterCreditHours Prerequisites: None This is a conceptual physics course for non-science majors. This course aims to facilitate students’ understanding of the rules of nature by learning the foundations. This course covers forces and motion, 248

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