VU403L UpperExtremityArterial System Lab 28.0 1.0 VUX01 Clinical 1 400.0 13.0 VUX02 Clinical 2 400.0 13.0 TOTAL 1,784.0 105.0 GeneralEducationCoursesareidentifiedinItalics. A.O.S. in VUT Program Information, Length, and Schedule Theprograminformation,length,andschedulemaychange.ReadtheaccompanyingAddendumforchanges andupdates,andcheckinwiththeAdmissionAdvisorfordetails.TheA.O.S.inVascularUltrasoundTechnology programhasalibraryandclassroomswithaudiovisualteachingaids,textbooks,journals,anatomicalcharts, models,ande-libraryresources. The scan laboratory is equipped with ultrasound machines and other cardiology equipment. TheA.O.S.inVascularUltrasoundTechnologyprogramisanAssociateofOccupationalScienceDegreeprogram. Thestudentwillreceivedidactic, laboratory, and clinical education on vascular ultrasound covering vascular anatomyandphysiology,2Dimaging,PW,colorflowDoppler,andvascularpathology.Methodsof interpretation will be combined with General Education courses. The Instructor-to-Student ratio is 1:25 during lectures, 1:10 in the laboratory, and 1:1 during the externship. Theprogramcomprisessix(6)modulesoftwelve(12)weekseach.Duringtheprogram’sfirstmodule(12 weeks), students will take General Education courses up to 24 hours per week via online delivery. During the secondmodule(12weeks),studentswillcontinuetotakeGeneralEducationcoursesonlineuptotwenty-four (24) hours per week for the first twelve (12) weeks. Thenexttwo(2)modules(Modules3and4)consistofdidactic/labsessionsonly,whichincludethree(3)tofive (5) days per week of up to eight (8) hours per day of didactic and lab instruction. After completing four (4) modules,studentsaregenerallyexpectedtostartattendingexternshipsfour(4)orfive(5)daysaweek. MasterScanningLabs(MSL)arescheduledmonthlyondaystobeannouncedonaseparatescheduleandinno particular order. Thestudentreceivesninehundredeighty-four(984)didacticandlaboratoryinstructionandeighthundred (800) hours of clinical education, allowing them to apply the lecture topics to practical use. The curriculum provides students with the technical, clinical, and interpersonal skills necessary to succeed in this field. In addition, the program prepares students to take their RVS/RVT examinations. AnAssociateofOccupationalScienceDegreeinVascularUltrasoundTechnologyisawardeduponprogram completion. The normal completion time for this program is seventy-two (72) weeks, excluding any holiday and vacation times. Class times can and may be rescheduled on an alternate day of the week (i.e., Sunday through Saturday) to ensure program completion is on time and the required program hours are fulfilled. Voluntary and Prudent Use Statement for Ultrasound Technology Instructions in the ultrasound training laboratory are made possible by the participation of students, both as the person scanning and the person being scanned (subject). All the exercises are developed to ensure prudent and safe use of the equipment and the subject. Participation is voluntary. Election not to participate will not affect grades. However, alternate training will need to be arranged. 186
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