Areascoveredincludenormalandabnormalcross-sectionanatomy,etiologyof(venousthrombosis),risk factors, classification of venous thrombosis, clinical signs and symptoms, indications, limitations, pitfalls, the definition of terms, scanning protocol, instrumentation, and sonographic technique (grayscale conventional, color Doppler, color with spectral Doppler, and power Doppler). Clinical hands-on training integrated with didactic instruction is the primary focus of this program. Rubrics evaluation demonstrating diagnostic competency is required. UT720C–MasterScanningLabLowerExtremityArterialExam–8ClockHours/0.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of courses in preceding modules with a “C” or better. MasterScanningLabs(MSL)areadvancedvascularclassestaughtbyexpertsinvascularsonography.Students havelearnedbasicvascularskills during Vascular Sonography courses 1-4 and Vascular Sonography Lab courses 1-4. MSL classes will build and enrich the knowledge and skills of students in vascular sonography. Master Scan Labcoursesareofferedonceamonthforsevenconsecutivemonths.Pleasecheckwithinstructorsfordates. This course gives the learner an overview of duplex imaging of the lower extremity arterial system (native and graft) for evaluating peripheral vascular disease (PAD). Areas covered include an overview of (PAD), risk factors, acute and chronic obstruction, normal and abnormal cross-section anatomy, hemodynamics, spectral analysis, clinical signs and symptoms, indications, the definition of terms, scanning protocol, instrumentation, and sonographic technique (grayscale conventional, color Doppler, color with Spectral Doppler, and power Doppler). Normalandabnormalcriteriawillbereviewedtoclassifytheseverityoftheperipheralarterialdisease.Types of bypass grafts and evaluation protocols will be discussed and reviewed. Examples of common lower extremity arterial disease will be shown to familiarize the learner with common pathologies seen when performing duplex mappingoflowerextremityarteries.Ancillaryfindings such as Pseudoaneurysm, AV-Fistula, and Aortic Aneurysmswillbereviewed.ABIandTBIevaluationcriteriawillbereviewed. Clinical hands-on training integrated with didactic instruction is the primary focus of this program. Rubrics evaluation demonstrating diagnostic competency is required. UT720D–MasterScanningLabUpperExtremityVenousExam–8ClockHours/0.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of courses in preceding modules with a “C” or better. MasterScanningLabs(MSL)areadvancedvascularclassestaughtbyexpertsinvascularsonography.Students havelearnedbasicvascularskills during Vascular Sonography courses 1-4 and Vascular Sonography Lab courses 1-4. MSL classes will build and enrich knowledge and skills to be successful in vascular sonography. Master Scan Labcoursesareofferedonceamonthforseven(7)consecutivemonths.Pleasecheckwithinstructorsfordates. This course provides the learner with an overview of duplex imaging of the venous system in the upper extremity to evaluate Deep and Superficial Venous Thrombosis (DVT). Areas covered include normal and abnormalcross-section anatomy, etiology of (venous thrombosis), risk factors, classification of venous thrombosis, hemodynamics,spectralanalysis, clinical signs and symptoms, indications, predisposing factors, PICClines, pacemaker leads, stents, ancillary findings, pitfalls, limitations, scanning protocol, patient position, instrumentation, and sonographic technique (grayscale conventional, color Doppler, color with spectral Doppler, andpowerDoppler).Clinicalhands-ontrainingintegratedwithdidacticinstruction is the primary focus of this program.Rubricsevaluationdemonstratingdiagnosticcompetencyisrequired. UT801–Clinical4–288ClockHours/9.5QuarterCreditHours Prerequisites: Completion of Modules I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII and Clinical 1, 2, and 3 with a “C” or better. This course comprises twelve weeks of Level 4 externship integrated within AOSUT Module courses. Externship expectations will vary as to the externship site assignment for each student. This allows the student to relate theory to practice in a supervised situation. 270

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